Purchasing A Home
Deciding to BUY?
There are many factors that need to be considered in deciding if you should buy a home. Your
personal situation may demand it. Maybe your family is growing and your small two-bedroom
apartment won’t do it anymore. Or if you simply are just tired of paying rent and seeing your
money go down the drain then buying a home might be the right move for you.
Buying a home consists of several phases, a couple of fundamental ones include; specifying your
buying criteria. Things such as home characteristics, price range, and location. You also need
to ensure your finances are aligned with your goals; this could include having a good credit
score, getting a loan pre-approval, and saving up for the down payment.
Choosing an agent
Are you thinking about buying your first home, upgrading to a more spacious home, relocating, or maybe looking for an investment property? Whatever the case, you will want a trusted professional to guide you through the process. Capitol agents have the expertise and market knowledge to help you find the right home, negotiate a reasonable price, and the ability to make it a smooth process.
Our Agents have access to the most recent listings and can help you set appointments to view
the homes on the market at your earliest convenience so you don’t miss out on any opportunities. With our current technology, you will be notified as soon as a listing matching your buying criteria comes on the market.
Your offer was accepted on your dream home, now what? Well, this is a crucial phase with
several deadlines that you must understand and which your Agent will explain in detail. Some of
the items that need to be completed include sending your Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) to
escrow, completing home and termite inspections as well as an appraisal, and requesting any
repairs needed. Again your agent will walk alongside you to advise you and ensure you
make the right decisions to keep you out of trouble and avoid costly mistakes.
Towards the end of escrow, you will do a final walk-through of the home with your agent to
ensure everything is up to par. You will sign closing documents and this is when the official
transfer of ownership happens. You will receive the keys to your home so you can begin to
move in and start making great memories.